Tuesday, November 16, 2010


As I say these words out loud, it chokes me up. Francesca is FOUR! What? How? Why? When did this happen? I blinked, and she is now 4! Our life literally changed the moment the Doctor announced "It's a Girl!" It is so hard to believe that that moment was four years ago. I wish I could bottle that feeling up and keep it with me forever. I still remember the instantaneous and overwhelming feeling of love that I had for this girl of ours, the very first moment I held her. It was so powerful, that I knew my life was changing for the better. Our life was no longer about just the two of us. We had a little life to care for and  another person we were responsible for. I knew that my heart was not my own, and was in real jeopardy of breaking. When you love someone so much, you literally wear your heart on your sleeve. I think that's what Motherhood does to us. Every time they cry, or they get a boo boo, or they are disappointed, or get their feelings hurt, your heart splits in half. You fear everything.. Fevers, bruises, what to feed them, what not to feed them, vaccinations, too much sun, not enough sun.... You just want what's best for your babies, from the moment they take their first breath, that it paralyzes you with fear to think of all the wrong that could happen. Then, sometimes like magic, you stop worrying, and there are the days when you are so filled with joy that it takes your breath away. Days like when you are celebrating your daughter's fourth birthday, and watching her light up as she has a magical day. I love watching her enjoy herself, but more than anything I have so loved watching her grow into such a beautiful little girl. She is precocious, and silly, and thoughtful and loving, and willful and strong and imaginative and creative... My gosh- she's amazing! I am so proud and blessed that this little girl calls ME Mommy.

Tinkerbell herself!

Painting fairy houses.

My other favorite thing... My boy!

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