Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is there a doctor in the house?

If there is one thing that we do A LOT of in this house is play doctor! (the kids that is) Francesca loves to pull out her doctors kit whenever anyone is feeling a little under the weather and bring them back to health. On this particular day, our beloved dog Cooper, got into something outside and his poor paw was bleeding. So nurse Amy came to the rescue, bandaged his paw up and "Dr. Cesca" was right under my wing helping out. She also was so good about sharing her stethoscope with her brother. Maybe we have a future in medicine?

Umm.. What's this??

I think I know what the problem is.

Sounds good.

There.. All better!

Our little guy is getting real close to crawling. And just like his sister, he makes a bee line for the dog food. Guess we have dog water bowl splashes to look forward to in our future.

A few of Dante in the pool.

I love his face here. He looks so annoyed, but he really is the happiest boy around. :)

This one I couldn't resist. Our girl loves this dog almost as much as Cooper. She named him Chooka (don't ask where that name came from, because we have no idea) She was getting all cuddly with him one morning and said "Mommy take a picture of Chooka, he's my baby" Gosh I love her!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh, Dante's hair is getting sooo long! Cutie-pie! Love the last one of Cesca and the dog too! I need to remember to show Bianca this blog...she will LOVE it! She has been talking about Cesca so much lately :(
