Friday, July 30, 2010


I will admit it. There are some days when I just can not handle it anymore. Days when I've reached the edge of the cliff and feel like jumping is my only option. When all the "Why Mommy?" questions are too much to take, and the "I don't want too's!" are driving me insane, the temper tantrums, meltdowns, dog food bowl spilled over for the hundreth time, the screaming, yelling, crying, playdates, doctor appointments, dance classes, grocery shopping, laundry, dinner... When all of it seems like it's just too much for me to handle, and the tears are streaming down my face. The days that I feel like I just want to run screaming outta this place, drown my stresses in a cocktail (or two). I somehow can always manage a smile when I think of these beautiful faces..........

Then I remember that this is exactly what I want. That this life, no matter how crazy it gets at times, is where I am supposed to be, where I want to be, where I LOVE to be! That these 3 beautiul faces, are Home to me.

This face is always full of smiles. Whenever I'm at my wits end, I think he can sense it and cracks me one of those gorgeoes dimply smiles that makes me melt, then all the stress just seems to slide away!

Or this beautiful little girl so happy when she is all dressed up in her favorite purple princess dress.

Or watching this little guy crawl after his sister's treasured princess shoes.

and finally completing his mission.

Or having movie night with the family. And watching Daddy help our girl with the popcorn.

Or watching her face light up making her favorite treat... POPCORN!

Painting my girl's cute little "piggies" brings a smile to my face.

All in all, it's a good life. It's a blessed life. There will always be struggles, obstacles, tears to wipe, boo boo's to kiss, and plenty of meltdowns. At the end of the day though, there are far greater moments, and for that- I'm happy to be right were I am... Home!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is there a doctor in the house?

If there is one thing that we do A LOT of in this house is play doctor! (the kids that is) Francesca loves to pull out her doctors kit whenever anyone is feeling a little under the weather and bring them back to health. On this particular day, our beloved dog Cooper, got into something outside and his poor paw was bleeding. So nurse Amy came to the rescue, bandaged his paw up and "Dr. Cesca" was right under my wing helping out. She also was so good about sharing her stethoscope with her brother. Maybe we have a future in medicine?

Umm.. What's this??

I think I know what the problem is.

Sounds good.

There.. All better!

Our little guy is getting real close to crawling. And just like his sister, he makes a bee line for the dog food. Guess we have dog water bowl splashes to look forward to in our future.

A few of Dante in the pool.

I love his face here. He looks so annoyed, but he really is the happiest boy around. :)

This one I couldn't resist. Our girl loves this dog almost as much as Cooper. She named him Chooka (don't ask where that name came from, because we have no idea) She was getting all cuddly with him one morning and said "Mommy take a picture of Chooka, he's my baby" Gosh I love her!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our new place to share!

So many of you have asked for pictures and videos of the kids. We have been toying around with the idea of doing a blog for a while now, so we figured.. What the heck! Now all of you that are out of town are able to feel like you are right here with us and can enjoy seeing pictures of our precious ones. We will try and update this as often as we can with pictures and news about all the happenings with the Gregoryan's.. Well, really just the kids! So come back as often as you like. Here are a recent few. Hope you enjoy!

Francesca's last day of pre school. She had a great year, has become such a young lady, made so many academic advances, but more importanly loved every day she was there.

Two of the best teachers, Miss Suzanne and Miss Brenda. (They had a circus day the last day of school. We did not send our daughter to clown school... :)

The 3 Amigas... Jayden, Francesca and Sierra.

It's always hard to say goodbye. Her little buddy Emmit came over to hug her goodbye, and they stood there like that for a few minutes. Of course Mommy cried... Then again. Mommy is always so emotional at school events.

Our little baby  is now 9 months! Can't believe how fast time goes by..... Dante is such a happy, sweet little boy and has quickly stolen all of our hearts (Mommy's especially)

Mommy and her favorite little man at Disneyland.

Soaking up some rays in Huntington Beach. Our little angel is 3 1/2 and keeps us all on our toes and certainly entertained. She is so much fun and we couldn't be more proud of the little girl she is becoming.

The two munchkins.

Dante loved the beach too! He was all smiles in the sun and sand!

She loved the sand touching her feet. She kept saying..... "It tickles my toes!"